Retaining walls do not always need to be heavy-duty, concrete, or stone constructions. A heavy-duty wall may bring strength and robustness to a design, but the cost and lengthy construction times along with it. Wooden retaining walls are lighter and generally quicker to build. They offer a visual appeal, especially for residential projects that cannot be achieved with concrete blocks. For the very best quality timber retaining walls that you will find compared to any other retaining wall service provider within and around the Little Rock area, trust us to assist. Give us a call for all your timber retaining wall requirements.
Safety First
It is important to consider the benefits and limitations of a wood or timber retaining wall before moving forward. The team at Precision Retaining Walls can quickly construct a sturdy wood retaining wall, but we will perform an assessment upfront to ensure that the pressures it will be subject to are not excessive. If the volume of the earth being held back is within reason, then a wood retaining wall can often be the perfect complement to a finely landscaped property. Typically our wood retaining wall designs stay within certain height limitations as the main factor for determining suitability.
Timber Options
Wood retaining walls are made to suit their environment. Some wooden walls need to use a permeable timber solution. Alternatively, we can offer non-permeable walls. It will all come down to the environmental assessment and requirements, in particular considering the water volume that will likely be putting pressure on the wall. Selecting the right timber for the job is a careful balancing act that needs to consider the soil and likely erosion, in addition to the water stress placed on the wall. Our timber portfolio includes several different kinds of wood, allowing us to tailor a wall not only to the look and feel you want, but also to the environment in which it will be built.
Timber Maintenance
Whilst wood retaining walls can be relatively quick and cheap to construct, the reality is that any organic materials will deteriorate over time faster than concrete or stone. We offer numerous services to perform not only preventative maintenance on the wall but also repair and restoration work. Depending on the type of timber used, the maintenance and treatment will vary. Our services are offered no matter the material, regardless of whether or not Precision Retaining Walls performed the initial construction. We offer services tailored to your needs and priced according to the size and complexity of the maintenance required.
The timber itself will often require treatment of proofing against weather, moisture, and water. It is possible to keep a timber retaining wall in good condition for years if properly and regularly maintained, but water and rot is the biggest challenge to achieving this. Our team of contractors will pay careful attention to water flows and if it has a tendency to pool in particular areas. The timber will be inspected for rot, and any insect or other wildlife infestation. Waterproofing layers can be applied and the gravel foundation can also be a critical element of water management. If need be we may recommend a partial or complete replacement of the wood retaining wall. Prevention is better than cure, so it is important to regularly check and maintain your wood retaining wall.