Stone Retaining Walls

different plants in the yard

Stone Retaining Walls

Dry stacking stone retaining walls offer a more natural alternative to commercial concrete retaining walls. They are typically more common on residential properties, or in hospitality or commercial environments where the look of the wall is just as important as the basic function of the wall. The Precision Retaining Walls team in Little Rock has plenty of experience with stone retaining walls. We should be your first call if you ever have a need for a natural-looking and rugged retaining wall. Contact us today for the highest quality stone retaining wall installations compared to any other retaining wall installer within Little Rock. 


Construction Benefits

Although purpose-built concrete retaining walls offer some advantages compared to stone walls, a dry-stacked wall still has a few benefits to consider, beyond pure visual appeal. The main structural reason to use a stone retaining wall is the superior drainage capability. A dry-stacked wall will inevitably have more gaps and crevices in the overall construction, allowing for far more drainage capacity. Improved drainage means lower pressure on the wall, which can help extend the lifespan of the wall. Be sure to reach out to our team for high-quality stone retaining walls today. Dry-stacking isn’t the only option for stone walls of course, as sometimes mortar is required. Regardless, whatever the construction requirements are, we have a solution for you. All the pros and cons will be explained by one of our team members allowing you to make an informed decision. A retaining wall can last for decades if built right, so be sure to make use of our experts when making a decision.


Natural or Uniform Stone

A stone retaining wall can be made using a more natural look or with more commercial and uniform stone material. All options are available from Precision Retaining Walls. Planning is key with stone walls, especially since the type of stone selected can have a big impact on how quickly the project will progress. If going for a more natural look construction, then you will need an experienced contractor to estimate and specify the stone required. Typically the larger stones will form a strong base, supporting a variety of smaller stones stacked above. This of course means selecting the right stones and the right volume for a project, in the right mixture.


Versatile design

Planning for a project of this nature is as much a skill as the actual construction itself. As experienced stone retaining wall contractors, Precision Retaining Walls of Little Rock can help you with any project big or small. Stone retaining walls don’t always need to have a completely natural look. Much like concrete retaining walls that utilize precast concrete blocks, commercial stone options are offered. These can accelerate construction speed, and improve wall robustness, but still maintain the aesthetic appeal of stone walls. If you are interested in finding out more, or if you wish to receive pricing from us, do reach out to our team.


Stone Wall Ideas

Thanks to stone walls having this inherent blend of natural appeal and the strength of stone, they can often be the most creative option for retaining walls. Given how many projects our team has completed in Little Rock, we are overflowing with ideas and suggestions to finish your dream landscaping project. Our wide variety of stone designs to choose from means any idea or design can be made a reality. Whether you have an idea of what it is you want, or you need further assistance in designing the retaining wall, you can count on us to assist with the entire process.

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